It is finished… When Jesus had received the wine, he said, “It is finished.” Then he bowed his head and gave up his… Continue reading “It is finished…”…
Who shall we become? This week I spent time with hundreds of other United Methodists at Lake Junaluska, a place I deeply love and… Continue reading “Who shall we become?”…
Um carta aberta a meus amigos cristãos e a Igreja de Cristo A historia do Cristianismo em seus melhores momento posiciona a igreja em divergência com os poderes do mundo. Continue reading “Um carta aberta a meus amigos cristãos e a Igreja de Cristo”…
Reflection: Who can be saved? Luke 18:18-30 tells us the very familiar story of a “rich young ruler” who asks Jesus “what must I do… Continue reading “Reflection: Who can be saved?”…
Reflection: Help always near! Great comfort can be found in understanding that God, our help, is ALWAYS near in times of need. Too often… Continue reading “Reflection: Help always near!”…